Abstract:Objective To Evaluate endometrial receptivity by using three-dimensional ultrasound in infertile women during treatment with clomiphene, to explore effects of clomiphene on the outcome of pregnancy and value. Methods:Collected 46 infertile patients from reproductive center treated with clomiphene in the study, as well as the general situation of patients before treatment( age, body mass index, duration of infertility, basic FSH, LH, the number of follicles). Detected endometrial volume, thickness, type, endometrial and subendometrial blood flow parameters (RI, PI, S/D, PS, ED, VI, FI, VFI)by ultrasound and tracked pregnancy outcomes. Patients were divided into pregnant group and non-pregnant group according to the outcome of pregnancy. Results: There was no difference in the general situation before the treatment between pregnant group and non-pregnant group(P>0.05), no difference in endometrial volume and thickness before or after the treatment between the two groups(P>0.05). Before the treatment, endometrial and subendometrial blood flow parameters (RI, PI, S/D, PS, ED, VI, FI, VFI) had no difference between two groups(P>0.05). After the treatment, patients in the pregnant group had lower RI、PI、ED、PS、VI、VFI and higher S/D、FI of blood flow parameters, with statistical significant difference(P<0.05), the type of endometrial and subendometrial blood flow distribution had changed, patients in type A were increased. Conclusions: Clomiphene has little effect on endometrial volume and thickness to infertile women, by using three-dimensional ultrasound, patients with good condition of endometrial and subendometrial blood flow perfusion are helpful to improve the pregnancy rate.