摘要: |
方法 回顾性分析2014年7月至2017年9月在我科经超声诊断24例梅克尔憩室的患儿的声像图资料与手术病理结果对照,总结其超声特点。
结果 24例超声诊断的梅克尔憩室经手术病理证实15例,误诊病例中5例为肠重复畸形,1例为肠套叠,2例为阑尾炎,1例为消化道异物。15例梅克尔憩室超声表现为囊肿型5例,厚壁型7例,混合型3例。继发肠套叠2例,伴憩室出血坏死1例、炎症1例,同时合并肠重复畸形1例、阑尾炎1例。
结论 超声对梅克尔憩室具有初步诊断价值,尤其对反复便血和急腹症的患儿要仔细排查有无MD,超声具有无创、方便的优点,可作为筛查的首选方法,及早为临床提供诊断依据。 |
关键词: 儿童 梅克尔憩室 超声 |
DOI: |
投稿时间:2017-11-22修订日期:2017-11-22 |
基金项目: |
Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis of Meckel’s Diverticulum using UltrasoundObjective: To discuss the features and diagnostic values of sonography in Meckel’s Diverticulum (MD). |
Shen Qi |
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Abstract: |
Objective: To discuss the features and diagnostic values of sonography in Meckel’s Diverticulum (MD).
Methods: Retrospective analysis is carried out on 24 child patients diagnosed of MD via ultrasonography at our hospital between July 2014 and September 2017. We seek to summarise the characteristics of ultrasound images for MD cases by cross-checking them against surgical pathology results.
Results: Pathology reports confirmed correct diagnosis of MD in 15 out of the 24 cases. Among the misdiagnosed cases, 5 suffered from intestinal duplications, 1 intussusceptions, 2 appendicitis and 1 from foreign bodies in the GI tract. Out of the 15 correctly diagnosed MD cases, 5 had sonographic images featuring cystic masses, 7 featuring thick walls and 3are mixed-type . Further, 4 of these cases developed secondary intussusceptions; 1 exhibited diverticular haemorrhage and necrosis and 1 inflammation; 1 had intestinal duplication and 1 appendicitis, concurrent with MD.
Conclusion: Ultrasonography is of value in the presumptive diagnosis of MD. In particular, for children suffering from repeated hematochezia or acute abdomen who require thorough investigations into the existence of MD, ultrasonography proves a non-invasive and convenient technique for a first choice in the screening process and is able to provide timely evidence for a clinical diagnosis. |
Key words: Children, Meckel’s Diverticulum , Ultrasound |