Abstract:Objective: To assess the reliability of shear wave elastography (SWE) in evaluation on ocular structure of adult. Methods: Totally 33 healthy adult volunteers and 52 refractive myopia underwent SWE of eye region by different inspectors or same inspector in different time points. retina-choroid-sclera complex, optic nerve, retrobulbar fat tissue, internal rectus muscle and external rectus [ 通讯作者:?张志华,吴蓉 电子信箱:jundesan@163.com,wurong7111@163.com。 作者简介:李芳(1994—),女,硕士;电子信箱: 2403338915@qq.com。 ]muscle were examined ,and the intra-observer and inter-observer reproducibility were assessed. Results: Paired test showed no significant difference between the two measured values made by same inspectors on the same day (P>0.05), intra-class correlation coefficient(ICC) values of retina-choroid-sclera complex, optic nerve, retrobulbar fat tissue, Internal rectus muscle and external rectus muscle was 0.82、0.85、0.86、0.83、0.84, respectively., indicating very good reproducibility. Paired test showed no significant difference between the two measured values made by same inspectors on the different days (P>0.05), the intra-class ICC values of retina-choroid-sclera complex, optic nerve, retrobulbar fat tissue, Internal rectus muscle and external rectus muscle was 0.79、0.82、0.82、0.80、0.78, respectively., indicating very good reproducibility. Paired test showed no significant difference between the two measured values made by different inspectors (P>0.05), the intra-class correlation coefficient(ICC) values of retina-choroid-sclera complex, optic nerve, retrobulbar fat tissue, Internal rectus muscle and external rectus muscle was 0.71、0.75、0.79、0.73、0.75, respectively., indicating very good reproducibility. Conclusion: SWE has good repeatability to obtain retina-choroid-sclera complex, optic nerve, retrobulbar fat tissue, Internal rectus muscle and external rectus muscle.